Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1416 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P., and others. "Peas of New York." The Vegetables of New York. Vol. 1, Part 1.
1363 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Small Fruits of New York.
1359 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Grapes of New York.
1360 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Plums of New York.
1362 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Peaches of New York.
1417 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P., and others. "Beans of New York." The Vegetables of New York. Vol. 1, Part 2.
3700 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "What Farmers Read in Western New York, 1800-1850."
1271a HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "Transport Change and Agricultural Specialization."
1364 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. A History of Horticulture in America to 1860.

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